A Postponed Life Syndrome

How To Stop Procrastinating And Find The Woman Of Your Dreams In 10 Minutes

This year you made a New Year resolution to meet the woman of your dreams? Just the same as last year? And oops … the year before as well?

  • That hot-looking woman you’ve been drooling over for years commented on your photo and you couldn’t think of anything better than replying with plain “thank you” and that was it?
  • A drop-dead gorgeous girl sent you a message and took your breath away. And you … just ignored it because you didn’t know what to say?

  • Friends invited you to a party but for some reason you preferred to stay home watching TV all night?

If you often find yourself in similar situations, it can be a dangerous symptom of Postponed Life Syndrome when you irrationally and illogically put your life off until tomorrow. Unsurprisingly, that mysterious tomorrow never comes around.

Covid-19 pandemic only made things worse because nowadays many of us tend to postpone things until the end of pandemic: things like dating, sports, spending time with family and friends, hobbies – things that we need, love and enjoy.

Walking down this dangerous path can be ultimately deathly for your dreams.


Life is short, even in its longest days.

Don’t postpone your happiness until some perfect elusive future date. Life is happening now and here. Today is the best day for making your dreams come true!

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Even though we all know that there is no way of bringing back the days we wasted we keep walking the road of constant procrastination. Here are some common reasons why we put off our life until tomorrow:

6 things that keep you from meeting ideal woman

1. We don’t have time/This is not the right time.

You can buy almost everything, but you can’t buy time. Time is truly priceless. The trick with saving time is that you can’t really save it. You can only spend it. Wisely and enjoyable or mindlessly and uselessly. Life is what you make of it. If you want it to be exciting and appalling, then do whatever excites and energizes you and do it right now. “Right Now” is the key. The longer you stay in the routine the harder it is to get out of it.

2. You think you have all the time in the world.

Are you sure? Will there be a tomorrow? Nobody knows for sure. What if tomorrow never comes around? There is nothing worse at the end of our lives than regretting unique missed opportunities and great things we have not done. Take action now – make a happy family, live life to the fullest so that you never look back at your life with regret!

3. You never put yourself first and you always prioritize your duties and responsibilities.
It should not get in the way of achieving your goal. In fact you can help others and fulfill your responsibilities only when you are happy yourself.

The ultimate and indisputable truth is: you deserve to be happy!

4. You  keep waiting for the right relationship
J4Love offers you thousands of profiles of beautiful genuine women. The selection is awesome and the choice is great, but each of these ladies is still a human being: a real woman from the real world.

A man once asked his father, “Father, how will I ever find the right woman?” His father replied, “Forget finding the right woman, focus on being the right man”.

5. You don’t have enough self-confidence.

Trust me, this is not a unique character flaw! You are not alone! Almost everybody seems to have problems with it. All the people who accomplished great things and made tremendous positive changes to their lives also went through lack of self-confidence.

Start with small things. Smile at yourself. Keep a good posture. Walk tall. Do 10 push-ups and 10 burpees. Make a  small win every day and your confidence will  go through the roof before you know it.

6. You keep asking yourself, “What if I do a bad job?”

Stop being a perfectionist. Perfectionism is the thief of joy. There is just one thing that banishes recurring negative thoughts, doubts, hesitations, worries, anxiety, insecurity, self-doubt and frustration. Your magic pill is ACTION! Don’t think, don’t wait – act!

There is no need to wait for the perfect moment – just START right now. Starting is the hardest part.  The longer you wait to change your life the harder to make the first step. But once you get started you’ll find the way to get what you want. Don’t wait to be in the mood to make that change you want. Action precedes inspiration!



As Jim Rohn said, “Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you  design for the present”. Being Loved is an integral part of Being Happy.

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