Tips on dating Slavic women

There are many stereotypes about Slavic women

but the majority of them are false. However, there are certain cultural differences that should be taken into account if you want to date a gorgeous Ukrainian beauty. For couples who grew up in different cultures it is important to know, understand and respect all these differences, since everyone is impacted by his or her country’s culture to a lesser or greater degree.

Dating Slavic Woman

5 Things to know if you are dating a Slavic woman

There are certain nuances to be aware of if you plan to date and marry a Russian or Ukrainian girl.

   1. Stay natural without bragging

   A lot of dating guides emphasize the importance of being yourself. It’s not always easy. But remember that a person is disappointed when his expectations and reality don’t match. If you want a woman who is not after your money, don’t brag with your luxurious houses, cars and yachts. There is no need to make an impression of an ideal man; let her know what kind of person you are in real life.


   2. Don’t say “I Love You” too early

   Slavic women have high family values. So for them these three words are sacred. Don’t say them too early; otherwise you may scare her off. Don’t say them if you don’t have this feeling yet. It’s not just a compliment - it’s a commitment.


  3. Tell her that she is sexy but don’t go into details

   It goes without saying that Russian women sex appeal is just too strong for words. They are the hottest brides in the world! And most passionate! You will make her smile when you say that she looks sexy. But don’t tell her at the initial stage of your relationship about what you want to do with her and how your body reacts to her. Don’t ask her if she likes lickypalsing (of course she loves it :)  ) but still be respectful.


  4. Know the difference in Public Display of Affection in Western countries and Ukraine

   In Slavic culture it’s totally ok to hold hands and to hug in public. A peck on cheek or lips is also acceptable. But leave your French kisses until the time you get home. It’s considered kind of offensive in Eastern European culture if you grab a girl’s butt in public, so it’s definitely not something she will feel comfortable with.

Slavic women are very affectionate and passionate, but social limits in Eastern Europe might be stricter than in the West.


  5. Ask her about her family

   Once again, family is always a top priority for Ukraine ladies. Don’t forget to ask her how her family is doing. This will show her that you really care.

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   It takes two to tango. With their natural tact, Slavic women are usually respectful of other cultures. Don’t hesitate to fill her in on something she may not know about your culture. Make it fun and easy to discover these differences!



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